Saturday, October 10, 2015

Cancer Patients Start Protest Group Like ACT UP

Many of you have asked me what I'm doing. I've joined a movement and found like minded women who share several core tenets I value. We met because we share the same disease but more importantly I have been inspired by their brilliant minds, devotion to the women and men who live with or passed from mets and the love they exude. They inspire me to no end and I have re-discovered the activist in me that has been buried for many years. We are the ones the medical community has written off. But now, that machine will hear us, they will be educated and questioned about their actions. It's time to stand up to corporations and non profits who profit from our disease. We are holding die ins and meeting government representatives...I consider myself a documentarian and am honored to capture our efforts with moving images/voices. The video below (uncut raw footage) is a die-in. Instead of a sit in we are calling our events die ins. Much like the aids movement we are watching our friends die all around us. We hope these will bring attention to our cause. This video is of the Seattle die in. It is 5 minutes long. Please watch it so you too can understand how our voices are being heard all over the country. If you want to dig deeper please go to the MET web site. Next stop a March on the lawn of the White House on October 13. Metastatic awareness day.




Seattle Die-In

More to come soon....

Fred Hutch is fast tracking research through Iphone apps and crowd sourcing.

Here is the interview with Dr. Love (the woman who wrote Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book- in it's 25th Edition and is now the steward of Share the Journey and the Apple Research kit)


Using iPhone sensors and participant surveys, the Share the Journey: Mind, Body and Wellness after Breast Cancer app tracks five common issues related to breast cancer treatment: fatigue, cognitive difficulties, sleep disturbances, mood changes, and reduction in exercise performance.


Taking research out of the lab and into the real world.

Until now, taking part in a medical study has usually required traveling to a hospital or facility to complete tasks and fill out questionnaires. With ResearchKit, you can use your iPhone to perform activities and generate data wherever you are, providing a source of information that is more objective than ever possible before. This is invaluable to the progress of medical research — and we can all have a hand in it.
What’s more, many of the apps built with ResearchKit will enable you to track your own data and potentially discover correlations between symptoms and daily actions such as diet or exercise.

“We can’t continue to treat people with a one‑size‑fits‑all approach. The kind of data that ResearchKit will provide may be very useful in helping us understand serious diseases and what individuals can do to hasten recovery.”


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ketogenic Diet- Further Research

As I dig into the data surrounding this food program (I don't like the word diet) it is making a greater impact on me. This impact is from the feeling of control it gives me when so many things are out of my control. On this program, and in working with my dietician, I am an active participant in the decision around my care treatment.

'Sugar addiction is the Achilles Heel of Cancer'

Ketogenic diet in combination with Calorie Restriction and Hyperbaric Treatment offer new hope in quest for non-toxic Cancer Treatment

'There is a great need for complimentary approaches that have limited patient toxicity while selectively enhancing therapy responses in cancer versus normal tissues'

Dr. Thomas Seyfried is one of the leading pioneer academic researchers in promoting how to treat cancer nutritionally. He's been teaching neurogenetic and neurochemistry as it relates to cancer treatment at Yale University and Boston College for the past 25 years.

Is there a role for the carbohydrate restriction in the treatment and prevention of cancer?
Review, Nutrition&Metabolism, (2011,BioMed Central)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Eating and other things that go bump in the night

A great resource for overall health information and many references for cancer
The cancer drug that almost wasn’t After years in drug development limbo, a compound that interrupts cell division has revitalized a troubled area of cancer research By Ken Garber
Some fascinating research on the ketogenic diet and cancer. I went on it (followed by a dietician) arve-cancer-cells-say-experts
...And other information on food and C
Some information on a couple of supplements:
and Coriolus aka Turkey Tail mushrooms:

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Supplementation- keeping the landscape healthy

These are the supplements my ND, Dr. David Lerner prescribes and the online health stores where you can get them. He also makes up a chinese herb mix for me full of tumeric and things I can't begin to pronounce. I trust him implicitly. 

I am also a big believer in bone broth. I drink it almost everyday.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Maverik from Harvard

This is at the forefront of my current research, following a maverick in the psychology department of Harvard.

Sorry, I can't present you with a teaser or excerpt. Read the entire article but it starts to get interesting 2/3 of the way in.

Ellen Langer can be heard at On Being-

Copper Chelation

I started copper chelation after I was NED from my first round of chemo treatment. My ND who speciallizes in cancer and other focused health issues worked with me to get me to where I needed to be for it to be effective.

I believe this protocol kept me NED until I had to reduce it (for other reasons).

Weill Cornell Medical College Trial Background:

A little background:

The best way to find out about a practitioner in your area is to contact the Yahoo Group CuZnMail. Deets below. They will refer you to the pharmacy who makes the supplement you take to chelate.

* To learn more about the CuZnMail group, please visit

* To post a message to this group, send email to

* To contact the moderator of this group, send email to

There is no current trial on the west coast.

I'm working on getting one replicated out here.

Wish me luck.

Parp Inhibitor Trial

I am currently in a tial that inhibits cancer cells from repairing themselves.

" PARP inhibitors capitalize on the Achilles’ heel of BRCA1/2-mutated cells whose DNA repair mechanisms are already impaired. Researchers know that the action of a PARP (poly ADP-ribose polymerase) inhibitor serves to fully disable the tumor cell’s ability to repair its damaged DNA, leading to what is known as synthetic lethality, while normal cells suffer little-to-no effect on their ability to survive.
- See more at:" 

I take an oral pill combined with infusions of chemo. The informaion for the trial is below. You can contact the sponsor directly to see if there is one near you. The oral drup has been FDA approved for other cancers and now they are trying it for breast/mets.

Title: A phase 3 randomized, placebo-controlled Trial of Carboplatin and Paclitaxel with or without the PARP inhibitor Veliparib (ABT-888) in HER 2-negative metastatic or locally advanced unresectable BRCA-Associated breast cancer.

Sponsor: AbbVie Inc.

Investigator: Henry Kaplan MD
1221 Madison St. Seattle WA 98104

What is it? :

A little background:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Good Reads and Ted Talks
  • Book- Radical Remission- by Kelly A. Turner
  • Book- Anticancer, a new way of life
  • Buteyko Breathing method
  • Family Constellation Work
  • The New Era of Positive Psychology
  • Mind Talk Hypnosis 
    TED Talk
Some news and tips I found from my research
  • Survival of stage-4 breast cancer patients improves with stem cell treatment, study finds at stanford school of medicine-“Most people in the oncology community feel that this issue is a done deal, that high-dose chemotherapy does not work for patients with breast cancer,” said associate professor of medicine,Judith Shizuru, MD, PhD. “But our study suggests that the high-dose therapy strategy can be modified to include the use of cancer-free purified blood stem cells to yield better overall outcomes in women with advanced breast cancer.”
  • Cells have been treated with nanometre-sized particles (nanocarriers) carrying the anticancer drug doxorubicin.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid helps neuropathy
  • Cannabis Theraputics-
  • Immunology
  • Clinical trial about cabo (also called XL 184) for breast cancer patients when metastases to the bone.  Current trial recruiting
  • Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. initiated a phase-I clinical trial this week of its DNA-based immunotherapy in cancer patients. Phase-I studies are the first time a new drug candidate is tested in humans."The next great wave of oncology advancements will be treatments which empower the patient's own immune system to seek and destroy cancer,"
  • For you triple negative girls out there.
  • Olapariv shows success in tumor response rate for patients with BRCA related cancers
  • University of Michigan weighs in on Mastectomy debate