Monday, November 18, 2013

Food program, habits and woo woo practitioners

Food program-
I chew my food. I know it sounds ridiculous to mention but chewing your food means better absorption of nutrients. So many of us busy people forget this. So remember, take the time to chew your food.
I make and drink my own bone broth. From the GAPS Diet, or Gut and Psychology Syndrome food program this was developed for a the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, created by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. The diet heals digestive disorders and psychological issues subsequent to those. I use the broth portion of the program mainly because after chemo I needed a boost of nutrients, iron etc. and since then I've continued it. As you can imagine, back in the day, people used the whole animal in their cooking- bones and all. There is much evidence as to the nutritional benefits of drinking bone broth. Check out the GAPS diet if you are interested.
I fast 1 or 2 times per week. This gives the body a chance to cleanse itself. It also triggers the body into burning fat instead of sugar. I am currently 30 pounds over my ideal weight. I've never been heavier in my entire life. The doctors say my medication in addition to being post menopausal is causing the weight gain. As with everything else I am fighting it tooth and nail.
I eat GOMS- Greens (mostly cruciferous), Onions, Mushrooms and Seeds. Remember the Nutri-bullet. They are amazing and allow me to get in a portion of greens every day in the form of a delicious shake.
I eat as lean as possible-- Why? Every single pound gained in adulthood increases the risk of disease. More weight = more disease. Body fat produces hormones and proteins that cause inflammation and increase blood insulin levels. This creates and environment that encourages cancer growth. I pay (or try to) pay attention to portions. I am aware of Portion Distortion.
I also eat pickled asparagus because someone in France told me it was good at fighting cancer.
Back to weight gain. There is danger in belly fat. I know I sound like a commercial but I've been to enough lectures by food specialists in the cancer domain to know. The bigger the waist measurement, the higher the risk of disease. Belly fat increases the levels of circulating hormones in the blood stream including estrogen, testosterone's and androgens. It increases insulin which act like fertilizer for tumors. It raises a protein called C reactive in the blood stream and increases production of inflammatory enzymes. And for me especially, the higher my body weight is the higher my risk is of recurrence.
When you lose weight your risk of ALL lifestyle related diseases drops.
Exercise Program-
I am on an exercise regimen wherein I am active 4 times per week. I go to a gym run by physical therapists who use Kineses to help folks like me lose weight and regain muscle strength. I use a stomach exercise program called MUTU system which was designed for moms but can be used by anyone. I also use and which is comprised of motor-skills that serve as indicators to healthy muscle activity. This Biomechanical Model of Preventative Medicine is based on physics, physiology, anatomy, and engineering and simply states that all-over muscle use is a requirement of human health and is not optional. Many common, expensive ailments are a result of poor motor skills and can be corrected through diligent practice of simple movements.
I do the NYTimes HIIT program as well as a trampoline routine called jump to focus
Medical Practices-
I see a fantastic Naturalpath- David Lerner who is managing my copper program. Located in Olympia Washington, he sees patients all over the country (I skype with him for my appointments). I highly recommend him for all aspects of health management.
I also see a practitioner who specializes in magnetic field therapy- woo woo to some. I won't go into the details but he regulates your magnetic field so that your body is stabilized and isn't overrun with negative energy. He told me to move my bed because I was sleeping over a moving body of water that creates a strong magnetic field. I indeed live on a critical slope area because of a stream running under our house. I know. Crazy right.
My friend is a healer who can lay his hands on me and give me advice on what things I might try. He didn't know that the tumor was on my left side. After our session he said he felt a very strong pulling on my left side and saw an array of lavender color around me. I now surround myself in lavender from sheets and clothing to jewelry and essential oils.
I have had two healers in France work on me. I send them a picture of my mother with her birth date, a piece of my clothing and my full name. They do 'work' on me to heal my body of the cancer.
I did inlcude woo woo in the title! 

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